Thursday 3 March 2011

Journal writing experience

I have never written a Journal before so I was unsure of how I would take to this or how it would benefit me. I am a big list person, I love writing lists but I have never taken these lists further into thoughts. I also do this on my phone when I'm out and about anything I think of I just make a quick note of it so I don't forget.

 I seem to just keep all my thoughts in my head and I find myself analysing situations over and over in my head, I like to picture myself in situations and really believe seeing myself there for example: when I'm planning a teaching lesson I will have just a list then the rest of the planning goes on in my head I picture myself in the class and act out the lesson plan in my head I find this imagery help full rather than just reading text.

Already from starting this course I have found myself writing so much more, when going through the readers I am constantly making notes and writing down my initial thoughts on everything.
So as I do like making lists I thought writing my journal by hand would be the best initial start, I can pick it up when and where I like and put down my thoughts. I have been writing my journal for over 2 weeks now and at first I found it difficult I didn't really know what to write about and some days I didn't think I had anything to say at all. As time went on I found myself analysing my thoughts and making sure I wrote them down however insignificant I thought they were. Its difficult to get over the habit of a lifetime at keeping everything in my head but the more I did it the more beneficial I found this process. By writing everything down I found it freed up my mind therefore enabling me to reflect easier with a clearer head.

As I seem to use imagery the most I decided to apply this to my journal, so instead of imagining my classes and picturing what happened in my head I made diagrams in my journal and created pictures. I found this a great way of reflecting and an easier way to look back on previous thoughts. I also found journal writing a great way to try to express tacit knowledge and really express those feelings.

I tried task 2b based on the Reid and Moon framework and this turned out to be a beneficial task for me. I took one day from my journal where I had taught dance at a new school initially I had wrote about half a page in my journal on this day. From using this framework I ended up writing a couple of pages it took me a couple of days to do. The different boxes really helped me to analyse the day in more detail than I would usually, making me explore my thoughts and feelings deeper. I was surprised by how much reflection I could achieve from that day, just from asking myself different questions. The box what if? was of particular interest as I have never thought about this in my journal writing before, it opened up a new thought process for me. I found myself always looking back on the experience rather than to what could have happened or what I would now like to happen. I found it difficult to write from another view and think how other people may have found the day, this is something I am going to try for another day in my journal as I didn't find it of great success this time around.

I am interested now to explore different methods of journal writing so let me know if any others have been successful to you.

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