Thursday 31 March 2011

3A CURRENT Networks.

I currently have many tools that I use to engage with my professional network. My agent and other casting sites such as: dancers pro and spotlight are my main source of connecting with my profession. I read on Laura Ann Wright’s blog about LinkedIn and this looks like a great way of networking professionally and making great contacts, something I will be now joining myself.
I also use Facebook a great deal now for my profession, I’ve joined many groups where I receive castings and also get to meet fellow peers in my industry, I have found these such sites the most benefit to me. Like most people I have found the problem of mixing my social and professional lives on  facebook, I recently had a new employer add me on facebook and this gave me the problem of not wanting to refuse her but also not wanting her to see my social life. I will now finally be creating separate pages so I can network efficiently on both sides of my life.
I also use my friends and current colleagues a lot to network, word of mouth really is a great tool, I have learnt so much about the industry I am in from meeting other people.  I do think I could use this tool to a greater advantage I don’t like to pry and ask questions which I think I should more. It comes down to tit for tat I think which is pointed out in the reader, I feel people will only want to help you or give you advice if they feel they are getting something of benefit in return.  It is very difficult to trust in this industry everyone is out for themselves, so you have to be aware of people’s intensions sometimes.

Different networks I would like to explore are setting up my own web page, it was brought to my attention how effective this is you can showcase yourself in exactly the way you want, potential employers can see you in action, many of my colleagues have gained work in this way. A very similar tool like spotlight but at least you can manage your webpage yourself and not go through an agency.
I feel being more sociable and confident when given the chance is a tool needed in the industry we are in, I think events such as after show party’s are a great way of networking and creating contacts within the industry, something I have not taken advantage of yet.
I admire the people I see that can seem to network effectively , they have the guts and goal that they want in mind and go after it. I to have the same passion but am wary of coming across annoying or to persistant, its a very fine line I believe and I find it hard to know and judge how far to push situations, such as: sending in c.vs how many times is enough? Should you call? I just don’t think I have acquired the skills to sell myself effectively yet, this is something I need to learn and being on such networking sites and watching similar people in my industry is going to help me develop this tool.


  1. Leanne
    Can you get in touch with Paula asap at - have we missed you out on any BAPP emails?

  2. Thanks for the blog - I hope you get a chance to look at the Professional Networks reader and view your networks through the concepts and ideas therein. It's helpful for deeper understanding to consider theories when reflecting on practice. Regards
