Friday 25 May 2012

Oral Presentation

The Oral Presentation is drawing closer and due to work commitments I am holding my over the telephone, I'm sorry I cannot be there but I wish everyone well I feel this is a chance for us to show exactly what we know about our inquiry and have worked so hard to achieve.
Here is a link to my presentation a few slides summarising what I will be discussing.

Saturday 5 May 2012

A Reflection on my Inquiry

The data gathered from this inquiry including the relevant literature has informed me of the proven benefits dance classes have on students. I had my own knowledge on this subject from previous experience working as a dance teacher and performer however this inquiry has deepened my knowledge and understanding on this subject much further.

Before I started this inquiry I was not aware of the scientific evidence currently available on the physical and health benefits gained in dance classes and the sheer amount of health benefits achieved. During this inquiry I was also made aware of the insecurities and the body image issues that occurred in students partaking in dance. From observing the classes as an outsider and not teaching the students myself it gave me a greater insight into the relationships formed between the students and the art of dance.
The participants gave me a thorough insight into the skills gained and taught that could be used for the rest of the student’s lives and enhance their future careers outside of dance.

Looking back on my personal journal throughout this inquiry has shown me my own thoughts and feelings expressed throughout each stage. I gained so much knowledge and interest from speaking to the participants, I wish there had of been more time and less work commitments from both parties so I could have interviewed more participants and gained a more varied insight. I believe I have grown as a professional and my knowledge of my professional practice has enhanced significantly.

My professional practice will now gain from this inquiry as I am more aware of the importance that dance brings, I can now use this knowledge whilst teaching dance to students and help to improve their understanding of the benefits and skills they are gaining from each class. I will also be able to pass on this knowledge to my work colleagues and professionals in the same field and to inform companies or societies who are questioning whether to place dance into their timetables or not.

This inquiry can be repeated time and time again during my future professional practice to enhance mine, my professional audience and fellow colleague’s knowledge on the art of dance.  This inquiry has enhanced my knowledge and understanding considerably leading me to improve upon my own professional practice.