Friday 14 October 2011

Developing lines of professional inquiry

After exploring the reader a few times I have started to narrow down the gaps in my practice and where I could start developing an inquiry.
I started by noting the skills needed to be a professional Dancer- the field I am currently working in:

Dance Technique and ability.
Performance and people skills
Understanding of History

I then made note of the skills needed to be a Dance teacher which is something I do now but am also looking to do for my future coureer:

Knowledge of syllabus
Experience with children
Experience in performance and teaching
Health and safety

Already after making this list I can see areas that need developing, in peticular musicality/creativity and assesment techniques, I would like to develop ways and new concepts of how to teach, how to get the children learning. What techniques really do work? I ask myself what can I bring to this profession? Every Teacher has a way of teaching I feel i have definatly been infuenced by mine, maybe I should explore others further?

I also looked back to the inquiry task last module, I wanted to explore the lack of training in dance teachers why arn't there more regulations, anyone can set up a dance class, but does qualifications really mean more than experience? I  am also very interested in choreography i like exploring different choreographers styles and techniques, I find it facinating exploring what others can us as a stimulus could i develop this into my teaching practice?
I also feel a strong skill I will need in my future teaching is managerial skills, will I be able to run a buisness what extra skills will I need for this?

Being a competent performer doesn't mean I can teach or choreograph, What do you need to make that transition?

Lots of questions here I am going to explore please let me know your thoughts.


  1. Hi Leanne - it looks like you have a clear idea of where you want your career to go and have reflected honestly and productively about the new skills you are going to need. One idea I got from Rosemary's blog was to do a 'capability self assessment' and grade my abilities/skills to see where the gaps are. It looks as though you have some similar questions to the other people on our module so you should be able to share loads of ideas - I know that Nicole Carmen is especially interested in looking at whether official qualifications should be a requirement for dance teachers, and Sonal was looking at exploring the transition from dancer to choreographer/teacher. I'm sure you have checked it out already but if not they have started a facebook SIG called 'Dance Education'.

  2. Thanks Stephanie - none of us work in isolation but we are not often asked to examine our practice in the way this course is asking you to do... I see you have gone onto the SIG - the areas are still quite broad - how do you want to expand your expertise in your existing or future jobs?

  3. From looking at my experience to date I am starting to assess my capabilities thank you for this tip stephanie, from graduating i have clearly developed my experience as a dancer and improved greatly, of course with so much more to learn. I would really like to explore teaching and choreohraphic styles, i naturally have my own but would like to explore these greater in trial and error of what is successsful.
